Monday 11 April 2011

Count Down to P Day! 4 Days to Go.. Part II

Food photo #1
One pic frozen Pizza as promised:
Description: McCain frozen pepperoni pizza with Spiracha hot chili sauce and mayonnaise. Yes, mayonnaise. One more time, mayonnaise.
Verdict = Not Paleo
Awesomeness Factor: Affiliation with the Ninja Turtles

Food photo #2
Description: 355 ml o' Pepsi in a can
Verdict: Not Paleo. In fact, pop is the anti-paleo, this stuff is evil for your body
Awesomeness Factor: um.. bubbles?

By bringing together pizza and soda and praying to the gods, I opened the tv to the Action! channel and got:

Ong Bak
Description: Tony Jaa!
Verdict: Paleo
Awesomeness Factor: Its Tony Jaa, and he's doing Namaste!

Description: Thai bad guy version of Jason Scott Lee
Verdict: Not Paleo
Awesomeness Factor: This kid is rocking a Serpico t-shirt!

This being the last few days before the challenge, I'm looking to taste and experience the foods that I might be saying au revoir to for a long time! I will dearly miss the mayonnaise/hot sauce combo! I'll post more info on what is and is not Paleo when the challenge comes underway!

Until next time!

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