Thursday, 28 April 2011

Day 13 - Leg-Grab-Towel-Turn!

Ultra post! 

I've been in uber information gathering mode over the last two days, figuring out some awesome ways to prepare paleo foods well at a redeemable price. In video game terms, this is called levelling up!

I'll be posting my findings very soon, as well as my master plan that will hopefully offer food enthusiasts everywhere some useful and inspiring... ummm.... food for thought.

Until then, a little something to keep you on your toes:

Merci Les Glorieux!

If any of you follow NHL hockey, you are probably aware of the epic playoff series that just happened between the Montreal Canadiens and Boston Bruins. It was hard fought, emotional, full of ups and downs and never, I'll say that again, never easy to watch. I think my heart actually stopped a few times and I know of at least one occasion when I curled up into a fetal position and had gentle spasms for a few minutes.

Ahh, the playoffs.

So for game 6, I had my friend Laurence over for Pete's Paleo Pasta!

Pete's Paleo Pasta aka Rodrigo 2.0
What: Spaghetti Squash, Hot Pepper Tomato Sauce with sautéed zucchini, diced tomatoes, green onion and oregano.
Verdict: Would have eaten four plates of this. Reallllllllly tasty.

It turns out Laurence is the real deal when it comes to being a hockey fan, so she was psyched for the game.

Psyched Laurence

It also turns out Laurence has the same type of uncontrollable, emotional, twitchy, nervous way of watching hockey that I do! Needless to say, we had a lot of fun watching this game together. We each brought our own personal superstitions that we felt would, I daresay, guarantee victory and, as it often happens when superstitious people meet, some new ones developed along the way.

At one point, any close call warranted that we both start doing the following leg-grab-towel-turn action to ward off evil spirits. Here is the sacred move demonstrated by the lovely Laurence aka Pauf:

Leg-Grab-Towel-Turn by Pauf

Verdict: I think we spent half the game in this posture. No kidding. Habs fans, you are welcome for the victory, because it worked! Unfortunately, Laurence and I were not able to watch game 7 together, so I apologize for the both of us at not being able to work our magic into a series clinching victory. Monster props to our Habs for giving it all they had! And yes, I'll say it, congrats to Boston as well for coming out with the victory and moving on to the next round. Good luck!

Back to game 6! We celebrated being victorious with dessert!!!:

"Yeah, that's right, these are called strawberries."

What: Blackberries and Strawberries in Balsamic Vinegar
Verdict: I can't figure out what face I'm making in this photo. It's definitely a weird face. Hungry face?

All in all, was a great night!! Thanks Laurence!

- My spending is out of control! another ~75$ on tuesday and 17$ yesterday. Paleo Xavier (my Paleo Challenge Brother) has sent me an interesting link and I plan on (prepare yourself for a POWER PUN....)........ cashing in on all this intelligence I'm gathering to save big bucks and still eat healthy.

- Spoiler: I'm meeting with Math from Crossfit CapOp tomorrow to talk paleo! He's put in a lot of time and work himself in finding out optimal ways of eating this way and has been following a paleo diet for a few years now so it should be an epic meeting of the paleo minds!!

All the best to all!

Monday, 25 April 2011

Day 11 - Paleo Budgeting 101

Bonjour tout le monde!

Nous revoilà pour une autre journée!

Today we talk cash. Moneey. Molah. Snapzilles. Ok ok I made the last one up. In my paleo challenge interactions so far, budget has been a popular topic with people who have either heard of the paleo diet and are on the fence about it or others who are just curious about how much it costs to eat this way. I myself was very curious to learn the numbers as I have never really budgeted my food spending in the past.

So, here are the cold, hard numbers.. so far. Hopefully this will help us all clear the water and avoid the fate of this misguided prehistoric chap:

"Of course I supersized it. Don't judge me!!"

Et voici...

LE BUDGET (premier trimestre du challenge paleo)

- Day 1: 72$ - Veggies/Nuts/Stuff + 13$ - Fish
- Day 2: 6$ - Steak
- Day 3: 13$ - Veggies
- Day 4: 10$ - Lamb
- Day 5: 15$ - Restaurant
- Day 6: 43$ - Veggies/Meat
- Day 7: 20$ - Eggs n' Nuts
- Day 8: 10$ - Meat
- Day 9: 10$ - Restaurant
- Day 10: Nothing!! I'm so... thrifty
- Day 11: 27$ - Nuts n Stuff

Grand Total - 249$ (Caramba!!)

Biggest Spending (Approximatives)
- Meat: ~ 75$
- Eggs: ~ 25$
- Restaurant: ~ 25$
- Various Nuts: ~ 20$

Pete's Corner
- My attitude so far has been: Just buy what you need, don't look at the price. This may have caused a certain inflation of the total spent $.
- Initial groceries included such extra spending as sauces and a spice.
- I've actually spent more than what is shown. Notably on various kitchen equipment.

30 Day Projection based on current numbers:
For a daily average of: ~ 23$


For me, ideally, I am spending 300-400 $ tops on food a month. Mind you, I eat a lot. So this might have an impact on the results.

.....Time to update......


- Find a way to eat paleo @ 300$ a month

Here are my potential ideas on how to achieve this:
- Place a meat order from a farm and get better quality stuff at a lower/same price as what I can get in supermarkets (more quality - don't have to eat as much..)
- Less variety in the meats, stick with some solid winners at a good price.
- Choose wisely: Don't buy all veggies in bulk, some go bad and that's money down the drain.

I'll be asking around with my other paleo buddies and buddettes to see how much they spend on a monthly basis and hopefully that will shed some additional light on the topic.

I'd also be interested in finding out any numbers on how much you guys and gals out there on no particular diet spend on food in a typical month... It would be rad to compare all our numbers!! (And don't forget - Size doesn't matter; It's what you do with it that counts)

'Til next time!

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Day 10 - New Look and Some Tough Questions!

I'm back!

For this next week, I've decided to change the way I share through this blog. Instead of going through the whole day's menu as I've been doing so far, I will focus more on new recipes and dedicate posts to either answering questions or going a little deeper into discussing paleo friendly topics or the events of my day!

For those of you who really liked the old format, be strong! I will be coming back to that format for at least the whole of the final week (to see how a month's practice may have changed the menu/approach!). I will also do this type of post every once in a while until then just to keep you updated on how the challenge is going!!

Take a deep breath, we are treading new ground!

Today's post will be short but not without meaning. I got into an interesting conversation with some friends after yoga this morning (I seem to be talking about food a lot these days!). Some of the topics really struck home as I think they raise questions anyone who loves food will at some point confront. Here are the ones that stood out:

- The ethics behind vegetarianism and meat eating - Is there a right and wrong?
- If everyone on the planet ate 'paleo', would it be possible to sustain? (i.e. how do you come up with that much meat?)
- The historical impact of the practice of agriculture, both in human and planetary terms.
- Tradition and how it affects our habits today.

Now if these type of topics and questions normally give you headaches, don't worry, you don't have to answer them!! They won't be in the final exam! If I may share, one thing this challenge has imparted on me so far is that becoming conscious of what you eat and learning how it affects your body and health is an empowering experience. I'll say that again. *James Earl Jones voice* It gives you power! Let's face it, as much as it would be cool, we just aren't going to get 'spider-man' or 'superman' level power in this lifetime, but this type of power, as my friend Travis would put it, it's not too shabby! It is amazing and liberating to consider food items and make conscious choices about why YOU are eating them. Whether you are vegetarian, meat eating, vegan or whatever type of robot Stephen Harper is, you will get a kick out of this kind of power.

That is a Paleo Pete Promise!!

See you next time!

Friday, 22 April 2011

Week 2!!!! Let's Do This!! aka What We've Learned So Far

*Special Announcement* 

No food update for Day 8! I will, however, include the day summary at the end of the post! This is to dedicate more time to the creation of a proper recap post.... just like the ones from the old days!

... And Then There Was Recap

So I would like to start would by voicing a few thoughts before I head into the randomness that is my view of the world. I've been really enjoying the experience of undertaking the paleo challenge so far. Although it is taxing time wise and it is one heck of a challenge, I feel supported by those around me and also, that I am doing something thoroughly good for myself... it feels right. I am especially grateful for the response I have gotten from all of you who have graciously taken the time to read, and consequently tolerate, the smorgasbord that is my lyrical thought-chewing. Finally, thanks to all the paleo-ninjas this adventure has introduced me to who have been generous in offering useful ideas and moral support.

To you all, this is for you!

Ok ok Pete, now that you have gotten that out there, can we get to the fun stuff already?

Pete: Yes voice inside my head!!


*Spoiler* There will be talk of nudity and cupcake squirrels ahead *End Spoiler*


Verdict: Insightful, sensible and yet, primitive. I highly recommend it to all of who are nostalgic for the old days when bashing a girl over the head and taking her to your cave was the height of romance.


Mike from the 5 Star Panel asked me what were the foods I missed so far in the challenge.. here is my answer:
- Although some foods definitely jump out at me when I see them, what I really miss is the ease of eating whatever. Being conscious about everything I eat is the MOST challenging part. Also, organizing my time to get it done. That being said, I miss Poutine!!! haha, not really but kinda :)


Here is a choice cut of my favourite offerings by the awesome peeps that agreed (perhaps a tad masochistically) to follow my adventures!

Shawn: "Drink Vodka! Vodka soda with lime!!"
Valerie: "By the way, if you prefer the "milk" factor in your coffee, coconut milk and almond milk are really nice options, just make sure you buy the unsweetened versions."
Mike: "It seems that you have a smoothie everyday, yet 4000 years ago you would have to make a smoothie with rocks. I think you are cheating."
Mike gets a second quote here because he cares: "I would really hate to have you die in the middle of this whole process."
Fred: (New Stuff - Unposted!!): "Nice Blog by the way, I've been reading it... but I don't like the fact that you go around in the appartment organizing stuff naked... *Waits a few moments* And the house doesn't even look different!!! I think you just like walking around naked!!"
Mom: "Interesting blog----really liked all the photos and interesting info!!!   But---no bread!!!!! What---no bread---how can a person live on no bread!!!!!  Sorry cannot find the question mark!!!"


Here they are, the list has grown!!

1. Learn more about nutrition and what kind of impact it can have on my day to day life.
2. Offer some information and, hopefully, some inspiration to those of you who have similar inclinations.
3. Take over the world.
3. Show partially naked pictures of myself on the internet.
3. Become a force of nature!! Yesssssssssss
4. Learn some new things along the way (Top 3: photography, photoshop, cooking)
5.- Accept all forms of eating as part of life and be comprehensive with people and critters who do not share your way of being. (Thank you goofy looking muffin squirrel)
6. Be balanced and, when I need it, take a day off.


Crazy Dragon Clan forever!! The CDC lives!! Yeahhhhhhhhhh


My answer to this is that I did not promise nudity per se, I simply mentioned there would be talk of nudity. Important question ahead!! I am officially taking idea suggestions for my next before/after picture series. You liked the Red Star/Aviator/Striped Boxer thing but would rather a less communist look?? Have an idea that you think would rock? I'm all ears!! 


What I've learned:
- Going from free for all to paleo is challenging! Planning and good resources for support are key!
- Spaghetti Squash = Not so mysterious after all
- Eating Paleo is paleo frikin' delicious. I am thoroughly enjoying every meal and the reality is, when you can't eat things like pasta, bread, poutine, yoghourt... things that you have craved and enjoyed in the past, your body adapts. You start dreaming about that vegetable stir-fry and your mouth foams up at the thought of heading out to the spice store. Funny how life works sometimes.
What I will implement:
- Sleep! Sleep is important! I will sleep morzzzzzzzzz
- Be real about budgeting. Find a balance here once this month is over and I have all the appliances and side products I need!
- Make it social: Get my friends involved in some of my meals to make it more fun-tastic.


One's I have used already: - a great site for you Montreal Cross Fit enthusiasts
- - a powerful ressource for Body Talk therapy and also features some useful paleo links!
- - the website for "The Paleo Solution", my first inspiration and source in undertaking this challenge

One's I will look into more fully:
- - site for a local farm where the meat is grass fed and optimal for a paleo diet
- - a thorough, detailed resource for paleo practitioners 
- - a fitness journal to help calculate just what's in that food you eat

This is just the tip of the iceberg; there is a lot I am omitting on purpose to avoid overpopulating this list. I will add to it next week!


Its not that simple! 
Today, I met up with Melanie, a fellow paleo enthusiast to talk shop. After discussing all things paleo, we decided to do some...


Your Heroes:
Melanie and Pete
*Just heard it's squirrel hunting season*

*ruffling in the bushes*
"What that be??"

"It be Goofy Looking Muffin Squirrel!! Get him!!"

"You'll never catch me. I'll hide up in a tree!"

"Caveman able climb trees. Paleo Stab! booyah!!"

Squirrel: "I surrender"
Pete and Mel: "Looks like well be eating cupcakes after all... hahahahaha"

And there you have it folks! I'm looking forward to week 2 and to keep owning this challenge!


Budget = 10$ on a lb of bacon and a lb of lean ground meat
Hours slept = 8


Day7 - Die Rodrigo!!

Don't fret! Rodrigo is not the name of my pet fish, tarantula or turtle (turtles are awesome), nor is it some poor chap who cut me off on the highway. Rodrigo is this little fella':

That's right! It was time to take down the Spaghetti Squash!! If the title still makes you queasy.. uhh... it was a typo! Please add a 't' after 'Die'!

Last day of week 1! Yessss, definitely an eye opening week, big learning experience. I'll be posting the highlights of which in the special first entry of Week 2!

Meal 1: Leftovas'
What: Roasted Grouper, carrot and zucchini sautéed in olive oil and cumin and some berries.
Verdict: Breakfast of Champions.

This was actually a late breakfast as I had done the early morning Mysore yoga class at Sattva Yoga Shala with Darby and Joanne. I'd like to take the time to send them a very warm shout out. They are the passionate practitioners who opened this one of a kind studio. Their love and dedication to yoga is amazingly strong and has fountained down into every nook and cranny of the place which has become a second home to Ashtanga (and life) enthusiasts such as myself! You both are inspiring! Namaste!

On that note, lets get through the meals of the day!

- This will be a quick run through as I want to spend more time writing the recap post! -

Meal 2: Smoothie!
What: Banana-Strawberry-Egg-Kiwi Smoothie!

Served with: Nuts! - Walnuts to be exact

Meal 3: Scrambled Eggs a la Pete
What: 2 eggs, red onion, leftover carrot and zucchini from the morning sautéed in olive oil and coconut milk. Topped with pecans.
Verdict: Really tasty and was a surprise meal! I got reaaaalllly hungry in the pm.



Meal #4: Rodrigo!
Scene one - Pete and Rodrigo
Location - Kitchen
"Hey Rodrigo did you listen to that mixed tape I made for you?"

"Yeah man it sucked"


"Yeah and I saw that girl you find cute at that place... you don't have a chance son!!"

"... ..."


"Wait why did you look at that knife right now and then at me doing the weird face.... "

"Die Rodrigo!"
"NOOOO DUDDDEEEE not cool..."

The Delicious Result:
 What: Spaghetti squash noodles after roasting in the stove 45 minutes.

What: Noodles topped with tomato and avocado and garlic sizzled olive oil.
Verdict: Blew my mind!! Who knew arguments could lead to such deliciousness!
Side Note: I put a TON of garlic in the oil. To those of which who tolerated my particular natural fragrance over the evening....  I salute you.

Bonus Pic!!!!!

I capped off the night at Upstairs for my sister's official B-Day celebration. Upstairs also happens to me a local jazz scene where all the cool cats hang out and the star of the night was my bro-in-law, the one and only G-G-Giovanni! If you guys ever get the chance to see him live, jump on it!! He's the real deal! This guy hands out tasty saxophone solos like Santa hands out presents at the good kid table. 

Gio and Pete Flashing Gang Signs


- Protein: fish, eggs, nuts
- Veggies: Rodrigo, tomato, avocado, carrot, zucchini
- Fruit: Strawberry, blackberry (I prefer iPhone myself but lets not get into that) , banana, kiwi,
- Fats: olive oil, coconut oil
- Other: garlic, cumin

Budget = 20$ for eggs and nuts

Hours slept = 7

And that's all folks! See you soon!

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Day 6 - aka Catching Up

Hello everyone and welcome to Day 6.

Today, I decided to spend a lot of time catching up on all the little things in my life that were beginning to snowball into something big:

- Clean my pad (Don't mean to brag or anything but it was starting to look very paleo)
- Get ahead on all the little things I need to finally file my taxes
- Buy Food! This is a food thing after all!
- Plan out the next few days very precisely (like a scientist) to keep my head above water!

And in true partially naked fashion, I tried to do this in the buff as much as possible. (Sorry Fred)

Enough of that!

It's eating time!!

Meal 1 - Tiurf dna stun ,sgge
What: .... .... same picture again?? It must be the same picture virus that's going around these days. You all should watch out for it!! Darn those hackers!
Verdict: Tasty tastersons.

After an early morning wake up and breakfast, it was off to work. I opted for no meals till 4, just snacking on mixed nuts to keep the hunger at bay:

Mixed Nuts
What: Mixed Nuts
Verdict: Nuts that are mixed. Fun to eat, especially when playing the try not to drop one as you eat game. Im - possible. 
Squirrel Colour Commentating: *Squirrel voice* "Mixed nuts are delicious, but what about cupcakes?"

After work, I needed some time to just relax as this is technically the beginning of my "weekend" and I had been going at it non stop for the last few days. Ah yes! Before we get to the next meal, I have for you faithful readers a:


- *Health update jingle* (I don't know what it sounds like... make one up!! If none come to mind, use the sportscenter theme song! *first 8 seconds or so) -

De Nee Nee De Ne Neeee

I had spoken of light headedness on Sunday. Since then, I've felt it still, albeit to a lesser degree. After speaking with Mathieu, a wicked cross-fit instructor who teaches at my place of work and who has been following a paleo diet for a few years now, I was reassured that this was a normal process that occurs when the body is learning to adapt to a new energy source. This actually felt right and is an interesting thing to consider as I've already felt this type of light headedness back in the times when I didn't look twice at what I ate. Maybe it was a nutrition thing?

"Enough hypothesizing fool!"

Meal 2: Smoothie Time
What: Celery-Strawberry-Kiwi-Banana-Egg smoothie.
Verdict: A little something to hold me off until supper!

Which brings us to...

Meal 3: Wild Grouper with Salad
What: Wild Grouper baked with coconut oil, crushed almonds and dijon. Red cabbage, fermented sauerkraut and carrot salad topped with an olive oil/balsamic/lime vinaigrette.
Verdict: Old recipe + new fish = Still absolutely delicious. So easy and good, this takes 5 minutes to prepare, 15 minutes to cook. Wowow!!

Special Treat: SHAWN TEXTING!!

This is a real textversation!

Shawn: Check out Vitto's it's a butcher in the city they have grass fed. It's near St viateur I think google it.
Pete: Will do man. Is alcohol paleo in any form?
Shawn: Drink Vodka. Vodka soda with a lime!!

What can I say, this is the type of wisdom that I love. I'm waiting for the official verdict on whether alcohol is allowable during the 30 day purge though. Don't worry paleo fans, I'll keep you posted!

Question Time!

Before I sign out, I have a few questions for you!
- Anyone have any suggestions on delicious ways of marinating chicken? (keep it paleo yo')
- Any opinions on aluminum cast versus stainless steel when purchasing pots and pans?
- Where can I find a walnut cracker?

Thanks dudes!


- Proteins: Grouper, almonds, mixed nuts.
- Veggies: carrots, red cabbage, sauerkraut, celery.
- Fruit: Strawberries, Banana, Kiwi, Grapefruit.

- 43$ Spent on meats and fresh veggies at PA

Hours Slept: 6

I think that's enough for the day! What do you think Paleo Pete?
"Yeah, not bad Pete, not bad."

And that's my story! Sleep Tight!

Day 5 - aka Wowow!!

Ever have one of those "wow" moments where you kinda wished that you had a word about double the power of wow but not much longer? My gift to you:


And so it begins...

Meal 1: Eggs and Fruit!
What: Same photo as yesterday! I will one day manage original pics all day! What can I say.. I'm groggy in the morning!
Verdict: It's my go to to start the day!

New Sources!!

As I have mentioned, I am looking for some good spots to find grass fed beef and good quality meat in general, a challenging process so far. After having made some inquiries, many people have stepped up with some awesome suggestions (Thank you Melanie and Mathieu). My aim is to have a list of resources around Montreal (and general resources around the web) to share with you by Friday for a special one week anniversary blog post... Wowow! time flies!!

Moving on.. I decided in day 5 to keep on with the idea of 4 meals as it did the job well on Monday.

Meal 2: First Meal in a Restaurant!!
Salade "Vivante" from Aux Vivres

What: lettuce, sprouts, kraut, cucumber, sea veggies & daikon with house vinaigrette.
Verdict: I will need to be more proactive about finding out what is in restaurant orders! I chose the sauce as it was described  in menu as gluten free, soy free and dairy free but I didn't inquire any further. I will from now on be immaculate in my ordering!!
Verdict #2: Even at a delicious vegan restaurant like Aux Vivres, it's tough to find a paleo friendly option other than plain salad on the menu. Business idea anyone?

My first meal out also happened to be in great company as I visited the restaurant with my friend Yassine. After rocking the awesome Tuesday morning yoga class at Naada, we decided food was most definitely à propos.

It turns out that Pre-Paleo-Pete and Yassine have the exact same taste in choosing a favourite dish at Aux Vivres: Le Bol Thai. Yassine, as any friend would do in this situation, ordered it:

Yassine Enjoying Non Paleo Vegan Awesomeness
What: Bol Thai
Verdict: Non paleo ingredients are tempeh, sauce and bed of rice. I hope you are beginning to see where the challenge in Paleo Challenge!! comes from!
The Glass is Half Full: No cupcakes. Anywhere. None. Yesss.

After this, off to work and:

Meal #3: Simple Salad
What: Lettuce, tomato, tuna. Not called simple salad for nothing!!
Verdict: I needed a quick snack and this was all I could think off running off to work! Not bad tasting actually but next time I will add some oil and/or pizzaz!

Everything could use a little pizza with a z!! I see food everywhere!!!

After a big day at work I headed home where my food stock was running a little low. My stomach, however, would not take no for an answer. I opted to make a mix mash of whatever I could find (and also whatever I could prepare quickly - Sorry Rodrigo, your time has not yet come).

In all modesty, this visual masterpiece is what I came up with:

Meal #4: Beautiful Looking Mix Mash
What: Broccoli, cauliflower, sunflower seeds sautéed in olive oil, garlic and mustard seeds. A few extra pecans added post-production for extra flavour.
Verdict: Tasty and consistent but could use a little extra sumthin' sumthin'! I will be revisiting this combination with some kind of meat in the near future.

Before we end, Words of Wisdom from one of your 5 Star Panelists!

Words of Wisdom:

Fred: "Smoke meat, not weed!"

Wowow!!! There you go folks, a delicious and family friendly message!!


- proteins: eggs, pecans, almonds, sunflower seeds, can of tuna.
- veggies: broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, tomato, Aux Vivres salad.
- fruits: grapefruit

Budget: 15$ (with tip) @ Aux Vivres

Cupcakes seen: 0

The streak comes to an end - Total number of days in a row where life randomly chose to tempt me with some type of muffin: 3

# of awesome new words invented (Big thanks to my co creator Lau F!): 1

Aux Vivres: 4631 Boulevard St-Laurent! Great Food!

Peace out!!

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Day 4 - aka Peteman Returns

I'm back beyottch!!!! *Pete cleans mouth out with soap*

Day 4, let's do this!!

This was my breakfast after deciding to sleep in on Monday and give my body max rest. It felt really good to get a good night's sleep as Sunday turned out to be a demanding day.

Meal 1: The Classic

What: Comon' you know what this is! It's eggs, nuts n' grapefruit!
Verdict: Starts the day off right!

Today, I will be efficient and straight to the point (Stories and Good Stuff will be weighed to the end of the post).... Meal 2!

Meal 2: Classic 2
Pre Blend

 Post Blend - aka All of Pete's Smoothies Look Like Christmas
What: Banana-Celery-Kiwi-Strawberry Smoothie.... Your eyes fool you not! No eggs!
Verdict: After 4 eggs for breakfast 2 hours earlier, even I did not feel eggcited by the prospect of more eggs (easy puns on the other hand... please refer to my dad's comment on Day 2 post if you are curious as to where I get my sense of humour from... wouldn't have it any other way Pops!)

After smoothie meal #2 I headed to work prepared. Today, I was going to eat 4 meals just in case I felt a little off my game like Sunday!

Meal 3- Left Over Chicken Fajita Salad

What: Chicken, red onion, red pepper and oregano on a bed of romaine lettuce and tomatoes. (old photo again, oops memory fart)
Verdict: Delish


Hi y'all and welcome to the good stuff. Every year, April 18th marks a special day for me: my sister's birthday! So after work, I picked up a few lamb chops from provigo and headed over to her place to.. you know... sing happy birthday n' stuff.

Happy B-Day Gen!! *said with awesome voice*

So I walk in the G's apartment (everyone in my sister's nuclear family - her partner, herself and her two little ladies- all have first names that start with G.... geez, do I have to explain everything?? - kidding, of course, I enjoy the attention -) and the first thing I see is my socuteyouwannasqueezehercheekiesallnight goddaughter Gianna welcoming me with a big hug. After pushing away my excessive uncle affection, she runs to... wait for it... you will enjoy this... a cupcake

Another cupcake! Is it me or are they everywhere???

Anyhow, she promptly runs back and asks: "Pete, want to taste this?" Now, what seems like a fairly straightforward paleo red light suddenly had me thinking. Is there some kind of loophole to this diet if the  banished food is offered by a cute kid? What if it's your niece, does that add something?? After consideration, it just didn't fly... nuts:

Gianna and Birthday Girl
"You try saying no to that face! Cupcake!!"

I was a bit late for the festivities with work and all so the food part had already happened. Gen, in admirable big sister fashion, offered to cook my lamb chops (read: make me dinner). On her birthday. Being that my chromosomes are XY, I accepted.

Don't judge me! I at least made an attempt to persuade her out of it (ok ok it was perhaps a little weak... the hockey game was on!!! arg, I feel like I'm losing my female demographic here.... um... next??)

Long story short: Gen you rock!!!

She does rock, and her cooking skills came up with the following from near scratch:

Behold - My First Paleo Meal Cooked By Someone Else!!

Meal 4: Gen's Lucky Lamb Chops

The Chef With Her Assistant Chef and BFF Claudia:

The Result

What: Lamb chops, olive oil, celery, garlic, onion.
Verdict: Simple, but oh so good. I was practically licking the plate afterwards.

... After a solid but losing effort from the Habs, it was time for... birthday cake!! Except it wasn't cake. It was... wait for it... you might be noticing a pattern... getting warmer.....

More Cupcakes - Arggg
What: Delicious looking Birthday Cupcakes
Verdict: I managed to resist them again. I am owning the cupcake resistance aspect of the paleo diet! Represent gravy!!


- meat: 1lb lamb chops, left over chicken fajita mix, eggs
- almonds
- veggies: celery, onion, garlic (garlic a veggie?), lettuce, tomato
- fruit: grapefruit, strawberries, banana, kiwi
- olive oil, coconut oil
- 1 awesome sister who makes food for you on her birthday

- 10 piasses pour l'agneau yo'

Hours Slept - 9

Closing off

I'd actually like to take the time to make a dedication today:
I dedicate this to family. I am very thankful for mine, for their love and support. Life moves quick and sometimes it just happens that you become distanced from people that you were close to before. If this speaks to you, please take the time to get in touch with someone in your family (or a friend) you haven't spoken to in a while, even if all that is available is sending some mental love! Family and friends are precious to life!

For me, this person is my uncle Eric. I love you. xo