Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Day 4 - aka Peteman Returns

I'm back beyottch!!!! *Pete cleans mouth out with soap*

Day 4, let's do this!!

This was my breakfast after deciding to sleep in on Monday and give my body max rest. It felt really good to get a good night's sleep as Sunday turned out to be a demanding day.

Meal 1: The Classic

What: Comon' you know what this is! It's eggs, nuts n' grapefruit!
Verdict: Starts the day off right!

Today, I will be efficient and straight to the point (Stories and Good Stuff will be weighed to the end of the post).... Meal 2!

Meal 2: Classic 2
Pre Blend

 Post Blend - aka All of Pete's Smoothies Look Like Christmas
What: Banana-Celery-Kiwi-Strawberry Smoothie.... Your eyes fool you not! No eggs!
Verdict: After 4 eggs for breakfast 2 hours earlier, even I did not feel eggcited by the prospect of more eggs (easy puns on the other hand... please refer to my dad's comment on Day 2 post if you are curious as to where I get my sense of humour from... wouldn't have it any other way Pops!)

After smoothie meal #2 I headed to work prepared. Today, I was going to eat 4 meals just in case I felt a little off my game like Sunday!

Meal 3- Left Over Chicken Fajita Salad

What: Chicken, red onion, red pepper and oregano on a bed of romaine lettuce and tomatoes. (old photo again, oops memory fart)
Verdict: Delish


Hi y'all and welcome to the good stuff. Every year, April 18th marks a special day for me: my sister's birthday! So after work, I picked up a few lamb chops from provigo and headed over to her place to.. you know... sing happy birthday n' stuff.

Happy B-Day Gen!! *said with awesome voice*

So I walk in the G's apartment (everyone in my sister's nuclear family - her partner, herself and her two little ladies- all have first names that start with G.... geez, do I have to explain everything?? - kidding, of course, I enjoy the attention -) and the first thing I see is my socuteyouwannasqueezehercheekiesallnight goddaughter Gianna welcoming me with a big hug. After pushing away my excessive uncle affection, she runs to... wait for it... you will enjoy this... a cupcake

Another cupcake! Is it me or are they everywhere???

Anyhow, she promptly runs back and asks: "Pete, want to taste this?" Now, what seems like a fairly straightforward paleo red light suddenly had me thinking. Is there some kind of loophole to this diet if the  banished food is offered by a cute kid? What if it's your niece, does that add something?? After consideration, it just didn't fly... nuts:

Gianna and Birthday Girl
"You try saying no to that face! Cupcake!!"

I was a bit late for the festivities with work and all so the food part had already happened. Gen, in admirable big sister fashion, offered to cook my lamb chops (read: make me dinner). On her birthday. Being that my chromosomes are XY, I accepted.

Don't judge me! I at least made an attempt to persuade her out of it (ok ok it was perhaps a little weak... the hockey game was on!!! arg, I feel like I'm losing my female demographic here.... um... next??)

Long story short: Gen you rock!!!

She does rock, and her cooking skills came up with the following from near scratch:

Behold - My First Paleo Meal Cooked By Someone Else!!

Meal 4: Gen's Lucky Lamb Chops

The Chef With Her Assistant Chef and BFF Claudia:

The Result

What: Lamb chops, olive oil, celery, garlic, onion.
Verdict: Simple, but oh so good. I was practically licking the plate afterwards.

... After a solid but losing effort from the Habs, it was time for... birthday cake!! Except it wasn't cake. It was... wait for it... you might be noticing a pattern... getting warmer.....

More Cupcakes - Arggg
What: Delicious looking Birthday Cupcakes
Verdict: I managed to resist them again. I am owning the cupcake resistance aspect of the paleo diet! Represent gravy!!


- meat: 1lb lamb chops, left over chicken fajita mix, eggs
- almonds
- veggies: celery, onion, garlic (garlic a veggie?), lettuce, tomato
- fruit: grapefruit, strawberries, banana, kiwi
- olive oil, coconut oil
- 1 awesome sister who makes food for you on her birthday

- 10 piasses pour l'agneau yo'

Hours Slept - 9

Closing off

I'd actually like to take the time to make a dedication today:
I dedicate this to family. I am very thankful for mine, for their love and support. Life moves quick and sometimes it just happens that you become distanced from people that you were close to before. If this speaks to you, please take the time to get in touch with someone in your family (or a friend) you haven't spoken to in a while, even if all that is available is sending some mental love! Family and friends are precious to life!

For me, this person is my uncle Eric. I love you. xo


  1. Alright so I'm a little late on my posts here but 4 days gives me a nice little time to summarize. Few things I want to say and another thing I want to ask:

    1) It seems that you have a smoothie everyday, yet 4000 years ago you would have to make a smoothie with rocks. I think you are cheating. They do look really good though and hopefully tomorrow I can go to the market and start my own smoothie collection.

    2) Squirrels do not eat cupcakes. Please stop lying.

    3) Please stop eating walnuts or probably any nuts from this company. http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/story/2011/04/04/montreal-health-walnut-recall.html
    I would really hate to have you die in the middle of this whole process.

    And finally:

    What do you miss so far the most? Every time I look at your meals, I'm always thinking, where is the bread. You know, that fresh bread straight out of the oven smell. I live next to Fairmount bagels! I would bomb at this challenge. Great job so far!


  2. You are having way too much fun with this blog. It's awesome. Which is why you need to see Modern Paleo magazine...



  3. Mike!

    1) This is a good point. ummm... err.... well you know, historically speaking, palaeontology clearly points to, ahh, prehistoric archaic proof that blending was in fact a common place technical feat, um, to be developed, potentially, given the occurrence of time passing.
    I might have to change the title of my blog to Paleo-ish Challenge1!

    2) Dude that squirrel was devouring that cupcake! With Bruce Lee worthy hand speed!

    3) Thanks for the look out... Death is not an option!!

    4) That's a great question that I will answer on Friday for the weekly entry. No bagel places close by in Atwater.. It helps, a lot!!


    I will be studying this image and it is very likely you will see it in a post soon!! I'm happy you like it! :)
