Nous revoilà pour une autre journée!
Today we talk cash. Moneey. Molah. Snapzilles. Ok ok I made the last one up. In my paleo challenge interactions so far, budget has been a popular topic with people who have either heard of the paleo diet and are on the fence about it or others who are just curious about how much it costs to eat this way. I myself was very curious to learn the numbers as I have never really budgeted my food spending in the past.
So, here are the cold, hard numbers.. so far. Hopefully this will help us all clear the water and avoid the fate of this misguided prehistoric chap:
"Of course I supersized it. Don't judge me!!"
Et voici...
LE BUDGET (premier trimestre du challenge paleo)
- Day 1: 72$ - Veggies/Nuts/Stuff + 13$ - Fish
- Day 2: 6$ - Steak
- Day 3: 13$ - Veggies
- Day 4: 10$ - Lamb
- Day 5: 15$ - Restaurant
- Day 6: 43$ - Veggies/Meat
- Day 7: 20$ - Eggs n' Nuts
- Day 8: 10$ - Meat
- Day 9: 10$ - Restaurant
- Day 10: Nothing!! I'm so... thrifty
- Day 11: 27$ - Nuts n Stuff
Grand Total - 249$ (Caramba!!)
Biggest Spending (Approximatives)
- Meat: ~ 75$
- Eggs: ~ 25$
- Restaurant: ~ 25$
- Various Nuts: ~ 20$
Pete's Corner
- My attitude so far has been: Just buy what you need, don't look at the price. This may have caused a certain inflation of the total spent $.
- Initial groceries included such extra spending as sauces and a spice.
- I've actually spent more than what is shown. Notably on various kitchen equipment.
30 Day Projection based on current numbers:
For a daily average of: ~ 23$
For me, ideally, I am spending 300-400 $ tops on food a month. Mind you, I eat a lot. So this might have an impact on the results.
.....Time to update......
- Find a way to eat paleo @ 300$ a month
Here are my potential ideas on how to achieve this:
- Place a meat order from a farm and get better quality stuff at a lower/same price as what I can get in supermarkets (more quality - don't have to eat as much..)
- Less variety in the meats, stick with some solid winners at a good price.
- Choose wisely: Don't buy all veggies in bulk, some go bad and that's money down the drain.
I'll be asking around with my other paleo buddies and buddettes to see how much they spend on a monthly basis and hopefully that will shed some additional light on the topic.
I'd also be interested in finding out any numbers on how much you guys and gals out there on no particular diet spend on food in a typical month... It would be rad to compare all our numbers!! (And don't forget - Size doesn't matter; It's what you do with it that counts)
'Til next time!
Paleo on a budget:
Planning my friend!