Sunday, 22 May 2011

Partial Nudity Please aka I Have Owned This Challenge

First things first:



And it has proven be an amazing experience! What started as a side project quickly became a fascinating window through which to view the world... Nutrition is very interesting; It plays such a pivotal part in our everyday lives and yet it is so easy to overlook.

So... what next??

More blogging!! haha

My initial plan with this blog was to chronicle the highs and lows of this 30 day experience. I would like to now offer a reinterpretation of that intention: namely, to create a space offering a strong foundational tool for anyone looking to empower him or herself with information on nutrition.

Concretely, I will accomplish this by posting a series of 'closing off' posts:
- Food highlights: favorites, least favorites, pics of recent food ventures.
- Post-Paleo thoughts: How has my body reacted to food after a month of strict paleo?
- Resources: Everything you need in Montreal to find good food at the most competitive price. Also, awesome websites.
- Q&A if you peeps out there have any burning prehistoric questions!!

So, before we get to the nudie pics of post paleo goodness, I would like to state that the most 'challenging' thing in this whole experience was, by far, writing this blog. At times words would write themselves and at others it was a struggle to just find the time to get to the keyboard. Ultimately, writing made me sharp and much more thorough in this undertaking than I would have been without the blog. With this in mind, I would like to thank all of you readers and contributors for your support and ideas. You made this experience really special for me and kept me going when times were tough!

You Rock!!

Enough of that, here are the pics!

"Everything in moderation, including moderation" - Mark Twain

Reference: Super = After .. Communist = Before
Super Front

Communist Front

Super Duper Front

Communist Sides (Super sides not available... yet)

Super Back

Communist Back

Rock On Back

Verdict: Essentially, the after pics are the result of me following a 100% paleo inspired food regimen for 30 days, cutting carbohydrates, dairy, legumes and sugars au max and even limiting fruit (until the last week at least when I started going smoothie crazy). I actually exercised less over these 30 days than I did in the months preceding the challenge but remained fairly active.
Hairiness: Still apparent.
Underwear: Awesome.
Roomate Awkwardness Factor: Inexistent, Fred's schedule and mine didn't match up for the after pics. Somewhere, Fred is smiling.

That's it for the pics! Stay tuned for updates and more paleo goodness!

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Day 26 - One Day At A Time aka Many Questions


Why. Why. Why.

It is a powerful word. One that has been keeping my mind busy a lot over the past few days. Why am I doing this paleo challenge? Is this type of thing necessary? Does it matter in the long run? Will it have an impact? Why are we surrounded by advertisements promoting lifestyles that deliver the exact opposite of their promise of health and happiness?

And why do we tolerate this crap?

I don't want to say a given way is good or bad, I believe every person is entitled to make a personal choice based on their own best idea. The reality of life is that most people are unable to even begin to assume this responsibility. That's the tragic/frustrating part. People gobble up the popular opinion. And that is absolutely normal!! It's how we are programmed! If you want to eat fast food, fine. But at least know exactly what goes in there: the food, the advertisement, the financial incentives. It took me 28 years before I decided to empower myself with knowledge about nutrition. To look at every output of food stimuli thrown at me and ask myself, is this true? What is the message here? Where is it coming from? 28 years... How did it take so long??

This process has been very empowering.

This process has given me headaches.

It is a lot of work. It takes time. It takes dedication and today I felt spent and close to just flipping off this whole process. My saving grace is this blog, which has been an amazing outlet for me over the past month and has put me in touch with a great network of people offering me support and cool ideas for the paleo challenge. What's interesting is that the most challenging aspect isn't really putting in the time or doing the work, or eating the food (which is delicious) .. it's changing my habits. It is acknowledging the voice in my head that says "watch the hockey game, order the poutine..." and asking myself if this voice represents my real intention in life. Often times, taking the 'easy' route and just eating whatever is available, whatever is presented to me by an industry or a company that can afford awesome branding and marketing power (read: what I want to eat), is just so compelling. Making up your own mind, however, only offers personal gratification. So once again, thank you paleo blog. It has given me the support I needed through social interactions to stick to my  initial idea: see this to the end. It also gave me the love necessary to stay with something as counter current to mainstream trends as eating paleo. Support is important, seek it out!

What's amazing is that everyone one I have talked to about this way of eating has been very interested. People love to learn about this type of thing. People are interested in their health, in making good life choices. So what stops us from taking the initiative into our own two hands?

At the end of the day, I ask myself, does it even matter what I do, the choices I make? Does this really affect anything? Why am I doing any of this? It's a painful process that just makes the numbness of watching the TV that much more compelling.

I'm not quite clear about what I wanted to say here, but I needed to say it nonetheless. I think this is my biggest rant yet, haha. Maybe I just miss poutine? Who knows. Fuck it, moving on!

Meal 1 - Eggs n' Baky Baby
What: Eggs, Bacon, Celery, Grapefruit.
Verdict: As delicious as it sounds/looks like!

Meal 2 - Leftover Crock Pot Pork
What: Pork, Assorted Veggies, Deliciousness.
Verdict: Um... super tasty.
Random: Watch out, it's gonna spillllllll!!!!


At work today, it was the birthday of the very rad wind-surfing prodigy Amanda S. There was rockaberry cheesecake all over the place. I took one real good, close-encounter whiff of it. I stayed strong though. Razor's edge!

Meal 3 - Pete's Uber Pasta

 Final Product
What: Spaghetti Squash, Ground Beef, Zucchini, Mushrooms, Green Onions, Yellow Pepper, lots of Coconut Oil, Spices, Garlic, Tomato Sauce.
Verdict: Best ground meat recipe yet, tender, fat and juicy. I'm talking about food people!!!
Bonus: Lots of leftover meat sauce.


- Protein: Eggs, Nuts, Ground Beef, Pork
- Fruits and Veggies: Zucchini, Carrot, Mushrooms, Green Onion, Celery, Grapefruit
- Fats: Coconut Oil, Bacon Fat.
- Spices, Garlic

Budget: 0$ spent

Hours Slept = 6 1/2

I'll end today with a quote from the movie Gladiator. It's from the scene where Proximus, the slave owner who bought and eventually released Maximus (aka Gladiator), is killed by roman soldiers. Right before he is stabbed in the ribs, he and Maximus exchange some final, fleeting words:

Maximus: Marcus Aurelius had a dream that was Rome Proximo. That is not it. That is not it!
Proximo: Marcus Aurelius is dead Maximus. We mortals are but shadows and dust. Shadows and dust, Maximus!


Monday, 9 May 2011

Day 25- The Last Week!! aka Go Out With A Bang!!


It is upon us, the final week of the paleo challenge!

It has been emotional; it has been tough; it has had epic highs and teary lows; it has been educational; it has had a large, some would say an impressively large, amount of nonsense... what a journey so far!!

It's not over yet, back to square one baby!

Meal 1 - The Classic
What: Grapefruit, 3 slice bacon, 4 eggs, tomato.
Verdict: Starts the day off right!

After Meal 1 I prepped the next three meals of the day:

Meal 2 - Smoothie
What: Frozen berries/pineapple/melon and 2 eggs.
Verdict: Smooth, fresh, tasty. Gives a surprising kick when you have removed most of the other carbs from your diet!

Meal 3 - Wild Salmon Salad
What: One bear, one wild Salmon.
Really, What: One can of wild salmon, kale, avocado, tomato, olive oil, balsamic, dijon.
Verdict: I was hungry, I didn't take a picture... I felt like a bear eating a wild salmon was a solid representation of what went down.

Meal 4 - Crock Pot 2.0

Step 1 - Prep
What: 1.6 kilo pork loin with bone, onion, carrot, zucchini, 12oz tomato sauce.

Step 2 - Work from 12-7 and Come Back

Step 3 - Appreciate...

... The Meat

... The Pot Mix

... And Three Meals Worth of Leftover
Verdict: All in all, this meal cost me about 10$ in food and maybe 20 minutes total in prep and cleaning. Also, WAS DELICIOUS!! Best bang for buck so far!



- Protein: Eggs, Pork Loin, some Nuts, Can Wild Salmon
- Fruits & Veggies: Carrot, Zucchini, Onion, Kale, Avocado, Frozen Fruit, Grapefruit
- Can of Tomato Sauce, Olive Oil, Balsamic, Dijon, Salt, Pepper.

- No money spent!

Hours slept = 8 1/2

One week to go... Start the Countdown!!

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Day 15 Flashback: CrossFit CapOP!!!

Crossssss Fittttttt!!!!
"Math Le Fort, Vincent Volant et Paleo Kegger Pete"

Actually, the title and pic are teasers. I did not actually practice cross fit during the "epic meeting of the paleo minds" last friday. I simply ventured out to CrossFit CapOp to meet and discuss with a certain Mathieu Dumontet.

So, what does this have to do with a Paleo Challenge Blog you may ask?

It just so happens that Mathieu aka 'Math' (phonetically 'Mat' - not the discipline where you... uhh... add stuff) is a paleo wizard. He has been eating paleo for a few years now, has read the books, done the.. ahem.. math and not only has a lot of interesting things to say about this way of life, but also happens to be generous with his time when dealing with eager, blog-writing, hungry-for-knowledge paleo noobies.

For you visuals out there, here is how you create a Paleo Wizard:

One Part Gandalf

One Part Predator Arnold

One Part Paleolithic Man

Mix Them Together and.....

Paleo Wizard!
"Magic Math"

Here are some highlights of our conversation:

- Math helped me calculate that for one day, by eating about 1g of protein per lb in weight, I will be satiated. That means about 60g protein per meal which is about 1.6 lb of meat per diem.
- Math's top five veggies: mushrooms, sweet potato, bell peppers, onion and brocolli
- This is actually from a past conversation, but a typical day of food for Math:
4 oeufs cuits dans le gras de bacon, 3 tranches bacon, steak 4 oz, 1/4 de tasse de lait de coco, 12 pacanes, 12 noix de grenobles et 10 canberges seches
5 oz de porc, 1/2 avocat, legumes varies en crudité
steak 12oz, légumes variés sauté dans de l'huile de noix de coco

It's copy paste so use your Frenglish!

- Lots of cool paleo friendly resources, which described in an upcoming post.
- Useful diet supplements: magnesium (better for body than calcium supplements), omega 3, vitamin D in the winter time
- We also talked about food orders, kitchen tools, cross fit and I got to watch some cross fit training

'Was a rad afternoon.

More Photo Highlights!
This is 365 lbs. I saw Math lift 405.... sick! 

 "Why... is... beer.... so..... heavy??!?"

Vincent showing off the versatility of the Cross Fit program.

This photo is not blurry because the camera was out of focus. It is blurry because this is the closest I have gotten to something even related to alcohol in a long time.... sometimes I miss nights spent boozing!! I don't miss the morning afters though!


Thanks Math and Vince for the awesome afternoon!!

If you are interested in trying a Cross Fitness program, check out CapOp!! Awesome spot!!

Finally, Happy Mother's day Mom and to all the Mama's!!

Friday, 6 May 2011

Day 20 - Look At Me I'm Beautiful!! aka Crock Pot!!

Hello hello

This post exists for the sole purpose of honouring my first, official, crock pot aka mijoteuse accomplishment!

First things first, what the heck is a crock pot?? You, reader, may already know the answer to this question but a few weeks ago, I myself was blissfully unaware of the existence of crock pots!! Essentially, a crock pot is a slow cooker. You put whatever you have to put inside, leave it on all day (choosing appropriate settings) and whatever cooks at a low heat! Awesomeness! Crock pots are a great tool to cook those 'less than choice' pieces of meat that are usually not as tender as higher priced pieces. The slow cooking tenderizes the meat and also creates some tasty broths.

Pete's First Crock Pot
What: Asparagus, Onion, Boeuf Bourgignon, Carrot, Zucchini, Garlic powder, Garlic, Salt, Pepper, Olive oil
Verdict: Fail!!! While the odour was amazing (as noticed by many of my work colleagues :) the settings I chose overcooked the meat. Very chewy. Lesson learnt! I'm already looking forward to my next crock pot experience!
Next Crock Pot Experience: A big assssss piece of pork loin I get for about 6$ (at 4$ a kilo).

Look at Me! I Am Beautiful!!!
Price: About 60$
Verdict: Worth every dollar, its quick, it saves a buck on meat, it opens up limitless possibilities and it sings you to sleep. Last thing was made up!

That's all for day 20! Lots of writing to do today!!! YEAAAAHHH I'M BACKKKKKKKK !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Day 17- What's Up Montreal!!

Hiya Gals and Guys,

Hope this finds everyone well!

And no, I have not melted away into frailty. The paleo diet has been sustaining me healthily over the last few weeks and I'm amazed that we are already at day17!

Here are some breakthroughs and breakdowns I've had over the last few days to keep you all in the loop!

- Spending too much moolah for this to be a sustainable way of living with my current financial income.
- Organizing time and space has been challenging!
- I'm slacking in my blog entry production (but it's not because I don't love you!!)

- There are many resources out there that make this adventure a true possibility
- Everything is possible! As my friend Tara put it very eloquently during her Funky Friday yoga class on, umm.... Friday: We are all accustomed to our habits. Treading new ground may seem like a challenging new course, but that's just because we aren't accustomed to it!
- Relentlessness - This word is becoming the driving force behind my intentions. I simply will keep on doing!! Whatever happens!! With that in my pocket, all that's left is to keep asking the questions that will clarify my intentions! A life of discovery is out there! Be relentless!

Ok Pete, I just visited your because I wanted some enticing visual paleo food awesomeness, get to it bro!


Pete's Marinated Chicken Jambalaya 
What: Chicken marinated in garlic, ginger, oregano and olive oil. Broccoli, mushrooms and red onion.
Verdict: Marination is the preparation tool of the Gods. Very tasty.
I told you so: Levelling up!! Coming up in future posts, more marination, more awesomeness....
Particular Vernacular: This isn't really a Jambalaya as it does not contain stock nor rice! I substituted the rice for kale, that funky one of a kind lettuce thingy.

Teaser Alert!

- Upcoming Special Post - 
What: Paleo Pete visits Crossfit CapOp!! This will not only be a ridiculously awesome post information wise, it will also have really really really ridiculously good looking photos of all the people involved. Is gon' be rehdiculoussss.
Bonus: This post will be the first real compendium of my experience so far and will offer the choicest nuggets of goodness for all you out there interested in nutrition, Montreal and abroad!

On that note....

"When I become Prime Minister, everyone will have a mustache"

May 2nd baby! Make your voice count!