Sunday, 8 May 2011

Day 15 Flashback: CrossFit CapOP!!!

Crossssss Fittttttt!!!!
"Math Le Fort, Vincent Volant et Paleo Kegger Pete"

Actually, the title and pic are teasers. I did not actually practice cross fit during the "epic meeting of the paleo minds" last friday. I simply ventured out to CrossFit CapOp to meet and discuss with a certain Mathieu Dumontet.

So, what does this have to do with a Paleo Challenge Blog you may ask?

It just so happens that Mathieu aka 'Math' (phonetically 'Mat' - not the discipline where you... uhh... add stuff) is a paleo wizard. He has been eating paleo for a few years now, has read the books, done the.. ahem.. math and not only has a lot of interesting things to say about this way of life, but also happens to be generous with his time when dealing with eager, blog-writing, hungry-for-knowledge paleo noobies.

For you visuals out there, here is how you create a Paleo Wizard:

One Part Gandalf

One Part Predator Arnold

One Part Paleolithic Man

Mix Them Together and.....

Paleo Wizard!
"Magic Math"

Here are some highlights of our conversation:

- Math helped me calculate that for one day, by eating about 1g of protein per lb in weight, I will be satiated. That means about 60g protein per meal which is about 1.6 lb of meat per diem.
- Math's top five veggies: mushrooms, sweet potato, bell peppers, onion and brocolli
- This is actually from a past conversation, but a typical day of food for Math:
4 oeufs cuits dans le gras de bacon, 3 tranches bacon, steak 4 oz, 1/4 de tasse de lait de coco, 12 pacanes, 12 noix de grenobles et 10 canberges seches
5 oz de porc, 1/2 avocat, legumes varies en crudité
steak 12oz, légumes variés sauté dans de l'huile de noix de coco

It's copy paste so use your Frenglish!

- Lots of cool paleo friendly resources, which described in an upcoming post.
- Useful diet supplements: magnesium (better for body than calcium supplements), omega 3, vitamin D in the winter time
- We also talked about food orders, kitchen tools, cross fit and I got to watch some cross fit training

'Was a rad afternoon.

More Photo Highlights!
This is 365 lbs. I saw Math lift 405.... sick! 

 "Why... is... beer.... so..... heavy??!?"

Vincent showing off the versatility of the Cross Fit program.

This photo is not blurry because the camera was out of focus. It is blurry because this is the closest I have gotten to something even related to alcohol in a long time.... sometimes I miss nights spent boozing!! I don't miss the morning afters though!


Thanks Math and Vince for the awesome afternoon!!

If you are interested in trying a Cross Fitness program, check out CapOp!! Awesome spot!!

Finally, Happy Mother's day Mom and to all the Mama's!!


  1. Forgot to mention that the amount of protein per day is based on your body weight. I'm about 180 lbs so that means 180g of protein divided by the number of meals for the per meal protein goal!
