Hope this finds everyone well!
And no, I have not melted away into frailty. The paleo diet has been sustaining me healthily over the last few weeks and I'm amazed that we are already at day17!
Here are some breakthroughs and breakdowns I've had over the last few days to keep you all in the loop!
- Spending too much moolah for this to be a sustainable way of living with my current financial income.
- Organizing time and space has been challenging!
- I'm slacking in my blog entry production (but it's not because I don't love you!!)
- There are many resources out there that make this adventure a true possibility
- Everything is possible! As my friend Tara put it very eloquently during her Funky Friday yoga class on, umm.... Friday: We are all accustomed to our habits. Treading new ground may seem like a challenging new course, but that's just because we aren't accustomed to it!
- Relentlessness - This word is becoming the driving force behind my intentions. I simply will keep on doing!! Whatever happens!! With that in my pocket, all that's left is to keep asking the questions that will clarify my intentions! A life of discovery is out there! Be relentless!
Ok Pete, I just visited your because I wanted some enticing visual paleo food awesomeness, get to it bro!
Pete's Marinated Chicken Jambalaya
What: Chicken marinated in garlic, ginger, oregano and olive oil. Broccoli, mushrooms and red onion.Verdict: Marination is the preparation tool of the Gods. Very tasty.
I told you so: Levelling up!! Coming up in future posts, more marination, more awesomeness....
Particular Vernacular: This isn't really a Jambalaya as it does not contain stock nor rice! I substituted the rice for kale, that funky one of a kind lettuce thingy.
Teaser Alert!
- Upcoming Special Post -
What: Paleo Pete visits Crossfit CapOp!! This will not only be a ridiculously awesome post information wise, it will also have really really really ridiculously good looking photos of all the people involved. Is gon' be rehdiculoussss.
Bonus: This post will be the first real compendium of my experience so far and will offer the choicest nuggets of goodness for all you out there interested in nutrition, Montreal and abroad!
On that note....
"When I become Prime Minister, everyone will have a mustache"
May 2nd baby! Make your voice count!
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