Sunday, 22 May 2011

Partial Nudity Please aka I Have Owned This Challenge

First things first:



And it has proven be an amazing experience! What started as a side project quickly became a fascinating window through which to view the world... Nutrition is very interesting; It plays such a pivotal part in our everyday lives and yet it is so easy to overlook.

So... what next??

More blogging!! haha

My initial plan with this blog was to chronicle the highs and lows of this 30 day experience. I would like to now offer a reinterpretation of that intention: namely, to create a space offering a strong foundational tool for anyone looking to empower him or herself with information on nutrition.

Concretely, I will accomplish this by posting a series of 'closing off' posts:
- Food highlights: favorites, least favorites, pics of recent food ventures.
- Post-Paleo thoughts: How has my body reacted to food after a month of strict paleo?
- Resources: Everything you need in Montreal to find good food at the most competitive price. Also, awesome websites.
- Q&A if you peeps out there have any burning prehistoric questions!!

So, before we get to the nudie pics of post paleo goodness, I would like to state that the most 'challenging' thing in this whole experience was, by far, writing this blog. At times words would write themselves and at others it was a struggle to just find the time to get to the keyboard. Ultimately, writing made me sharp and much more thorough in this undertaking than I would have been without the blog. With this in mind, I would like to thank all of you readers and contributors for your support and ideas. You made this experience really special for me and kept me going when times were tough!

You Rock!!

Enough of that, here are the pics!

"Everything in moderation, including moderation" - Mark Twain

Reference: Super = After .. Communist = Before
Super Front

Communist Front

Super Duper Front

Communist Sides (Super sides not available... yet)

Super Back

Communist Back

Rock On Back

Verdict: Essentially, the after pics are the result of me following a 100% paleo inspired food regimen for 30 days, cutting carbohydrates, dairy, legumes and sugars au max and even limiting fruit (until the last week at least when I started going smoothie crazy). I actually exercised less over these 30 days than I did in the months preceding the challenge but remained fairly active.
Hairiness: Still apparent.
Underwear: Awesome.
Roomate Awkwardness Factor: Inexistent, Fred's schedule and mine didn't match up for the after pics. Somewhere, Fred is smiling.

That's it for the pics! Stay tuned for updates and more paleo goodness!

1 comment:

  1. Love the blog, LOVE the pictures!
    I think you look amazing and in great shape!
    I would love to see you wearing that superhero outfit more often *winks* so far, my favorite, it suits you so well! Any super powers we don't know about???
    Keep it up Peter, thank you for sharing all this with us.
    Mo xx
